40% Increase in Conversions

40% Increase in Conversions

Pokus x B2Metric Success Story

Pokus is both a card and app that provides a range of functionalities. The Pokus's users pay anywhere, from shopping and games to entertainment.

Additionally, users can send money to anyone in their directory and share accounts with their friends. Plus, Pokus ensures its users stay connected with 24/7 money transfer services.

The Challenge Overview

Accurate Analysis of User Segments:

Pokus must accurately analyze user segments to gain insights into their preferences, behavior patterns, and engagement levels. This involves segmenting users based on factors such as activity frequency, preferred training categories, session duration, and interaction with the app.

Without precise segmentation, it becomes challenging to tailor marketing strategies and content to meet the specific needs of each group.

Predicting Trends and Propensity:

Another challenge for Pokus is predicting trends and user propensity. This involves forecasting user behavior, such as frequency of app usage, likelihood of trying new training categories, and propensity to engage with promotional offers.

Predictive analytics play a crucial role in identifying emerging trends and anticipating user needs, enabling Pokus to stay ahead of competitors and adapt its offerings accordingly.

Optimizing Marketing Strategies:

Pokus aims to optimize marketing strategies by sending the right push notifications to the right user segments at the right time. This requires a deep understanding of user preferences, behavior triggers, and response patterns to ensure that notifications are relevant, timely, and engaging. Without effective optimization, there's a risk of user disengagement or irritation because of relevant or excessive notifications.

The Solution: B2Metric Customer Journey Analytics

Understanding the digital customer journey from start to finish is critical for Pokus in optimizing user experiences and increasing conversion rates. By leveraging customer journey analytics tools, Pokus tracks user interactions across multiple touchpoints and channels.

This comprehensive approach provides insights into the effectiveness of each stage of the journey, enabling Pokus to identify bottlenecks, pain points, and areas for improvement in the customer experience. With a deeper understanding of the customer journey, Pokus can implement targeted interventions to address friction points, streamline processes, and enhance overall customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Customer Micro-Segmentation:

Implementing a robust customer micro-segmentation strategy is crucial for Pokus to understand and target specific groups of users with tailored marketing messages and offers. By analyzing demographic data, purchase history, browsing behavior, and other relevant metrics, Pokus can create distinct customer segments based on common characteristics and preferences. This segmentation enables Pokus to run more personalized marketing campaigns, improve customer engagement, and enhance retention rates.

Campaign Performance Analysis

With B2Metric campaign performance analytics, Pokus can evaluate the effectiveness of various marketing campaigns across channels and touchpoints by analyzing KPIs like click-through rates, conversion rates, ROI, and customer acquisition costs. This analysis helps Pokus identify successful strategies, optimize marketing spend, refine targeting, and make data-driven decisions to improve marketing efficiency.


40% Increase in Conversions

Through a thorough analysis of the customer journey, Pokus identified key touchpoints and areas for optimization, resulting in a significant 40% increase in conversions. Actionable insights empowered Pokus to streamline user experiences, address pain points, and implement targeted interventions, ultimately driving higher conversion rates and maximizing ROI.

25% Improved Revenue

With B2Metric, Pokus optimized its marketing budgets and witnessed a remarkable 25% improvement in revenue. Accurately forecasting customer behavior and campaign performance allowed Pokus to allocate resources more effectively, focus on high-impact initiatives, and drive revenue growth. B2Metric’s advanced analytics capabilities enabled Pokus to make data-driven decisions that propelled sustainable revenue growth and long-term success.

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